Web Protection Made Easy
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  Validation list utility
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HTTP protection- Sample cases

The web protection techniques are documented

Types of protection
You can use three type of resources to control access to your resources through the http server:
  • User name and password protection
  • SSL client authentication
  • Address template protection
You can use one type of protection by itself or use them together.
Why sample cases
We believe that some examples could more easily guide users into this matter.
We do not provide full documentation for all possible cases, we just concentrate on the easiest ones.
As a matter of fact, all of our cases deal with user name and password protection, as this technique is the first one would initially want to try.
Should you want to read more descriptive material about the three techniques, please consult the following pages: If you need to protect an intranet site, we suggest you read about Address template protection.
Our sample cases
We recommend you study our cases in sequence: what we wrote for a case may not be repeated in a next one.
  1. Case01
    Validating the request versus an existing OS/400 user profile
    Summary: This case teaches how to validate the access to a given URL using an existing OS/400 user profile.
    To access the protected URL, the user should type in
  2. the User_Name and the Password of the authorized user profile
    link to the example See the example .
  3. Case02
    Validating the request versus a validation list
    Summary: This case teaches how to validate the access to a given URL using a validation list.
    Validation list objects are a new object type *VLDL since V4R1 that provide a method for applications to securely store user authentication information.
    To access the protected URL, the user should type in
  4. the User_Name and the Password of a user mentioned on a given validation list.
    link to the example See the example .
  5. Case03
    Using Validation Lists and Access Control List (ACL) files
    Summary: ACL files allow to restrict the access to given URLs to single internet users or to groups of internet users within a validation list.
    This is the way you create priviledges within a validation list.
    link to the example See the example .
  6. Case04
    Protecting CGI programs through validation lists
    Summary: As to protection, a CGI program is just another URL. Its protection through a validation list can therefore be performed as shown in Case02.
    However, it might be of some interest seing it done as a separate case.
    link to the example See the example .