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HTTP logs (3/4)

HTTP stream file logs, in order to be displayed from SECTCP, need to be collected and converted to database file members, one member per day. This you can do manually, by asking to convert HTTP logs from the screen in Figure 29.
However, if you do not perform this action regularly (example: every day), you can miss HTTP log stream files already purged by the system.

The collection and conversion of the available stream file logs is performed by command CVTHTTPLOG:

              Get & Convert HTTP log stmf's (CVTHTTPLOG)              
Type choices, press Enter.
Convert logs of days ... . . . .  DAYS *TODAY        *TODAY, *ALL
Figure 32
Run this command to collect data from the HTTP access and error log stream into members of database files ACCESSLOG and ERRORLOG in library SECTCPDATA.
  • Note - Before running this command, the IFS directory containing HTTP access and error logs, and the names of the access and error log database files in library SECTCPDATA must have been identified. These identifications are performed when running SECTCP option 10->1 (Display HTTP logs).
DAYS (Days to process) - Select one of the following:
  • *ALL to process all the logs not yet processed
  • *TODAY to process just the access and the error logs related to the current day.

Lifetime of detail daily logs

HTTP access and error detail daily logs are maintained in members of library SECTCPDATA database files. There is a member for each day.
  • Use command SECTCP/LOGPURGE to establish for how many days detail daily logs must be kept.
  • Use command SECTCP/LOGFIX to purge expired detail daily logs.
    This command also executes command SECTCP/CVTHTTPLOG.
    Note- Command SECTCP/LOGFIX should be run every day. It is recommended to do so through a job scheduled entry (command ADDJOBSCDE).
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