#========================================================================= # APACHE HTTP DIRECTIVES FOR XLTMSGF # # The following Apache HTTP directives are available from the # IFS stream file '/xltmsgf/apache/xltmsgf.txt' . # # They should be added to the Apache configuration file # of the Apache HTTP instance you want to use # for running the XLTMSGF CGI programs. # # Once you have done that and you have restarted that HTTP instance, # on your Interner browser enter: # http://.../xltmsgf/start # #========================================================================= #---- XLTMSGF directives AliasMatch ^/xltmsgf/start$ /xltmsgf/html/boot.html ScriptAliasMatch /xltmsgfp(.*).pgm /qsys.lib/xltmsgf.lib/$1.pgm Alias /xltmsgf/ /xltmsgf/ AllowOverride None Options None order allow,deny allow from all Options -ExecCGI CGIConvMode %%EBCDIC/EBCDIC%% SetOutputFilter DEFLATE AllowOverride None Options None order allow,deny allow from all AuthType Basic AuthName "Translating MSGDs used in DDS" PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%% UserID %%CLIENT%% Require valid-user