TEST STEPS: 1- Create basic workbook /tmp/updtest.xls containing just sheet "Sheet1" XLSGEN INPSTMF('/hssfcgi/examples/XLSUPD/updtest_Sheet1_create.txt') OUTSTMF('/tmp/updtest.xls') 2- Add sheet "Sheet2" to workbook /tmp/updtest.xls XLSGEN INPSTMF('/hssfcgi/examples/XLSUPD/updtest_Sheet2_addto.txt') OUTSTMF('/tmp/updtest.xls') ADDTO(*YES) 3- Download workbook /tmp/updtest.xls to your PC, and look at it: "Sheet1" cell B2 displays value "1" cell B3 displays value "2" cell D5 displays value "3" from formula SUM(B2:B3) "Sheet2" cell B2 displays value "10" cell B3 displays value "5" cell D5 displays value "3" from formula Sheet1!SUM(B2:B3) cell D6 displays value "15" from formula SUM(B2:B3) cell D7 displays value "18" from formula SUM(D5:D6) 4- On your PC, change Sheet1 cell B3 value from "2" to "35" Excel re-computes the formulas and "Sheet1" cell D5 displays value "36" from formula SUM(B2:B3) "Sheet2" cell D5 displays value "36" from formula Sheet1!SUM(B2:B3) cell D6 displays value "15" from formula SUM(B2:B3) cell D7 displays value "51" from formula SUM(D5:D6) Save this workbook and exit Excel. 5- Upload workbook /tmp/updtest.xls from your PC to IBMi 6- Change Sheet1 cell B2 value from 1 to 21 by running command XLSUPD WRKBOOKIN('/tmp/updtest.xls') WRKBOOKOUT(*SAME) SHEETIN(Sheet1) INPSTMF('/hssfcgi/examples/XLSUPD/updtest_Sheet1_upd1.txt') 7- Download workbook /tmp/updtest.xls to your PC, and look at it. Formulas directly or indirectyle referencing Sheet1 cell B2 do not show the new correct results: "Sheet1" cell D5 still displays value "36" (instead of "56") from formula SUM(B2:B3) "Sheet2" cell D5 still displays value "36" (instead of "56") from formula Sheet1!SUM(B2:B3) cell D7 dstill isplays value "51" (instead of "71") from formula SUM(D5:D6) 8- However, if you go back to IBMi and refresh formulas in workbook /tmp/updtest.xls with command REFRESHF WORKBOOK('/tmp/updtest.xls') when you download workbook /tmp/updtest.xls to your PC formulas directly or indirectyle referencing Sheet1 cell B2 now shope the new correct results: "Sheet1" cell D5 displays value "56" from formula SUM(B2:B3) "Sheet2" cell D5 displays value "56" from formula Sheet1!SUM(B2:B3) cell D7 displays value "71" from formula SUM(D5:D6)