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•Line charts

•Radar charts

Bar charts

•Polar, Pie & Doughnut


•Appendix A- Options


Bar charts

The javascript for defining a bar chart is similar to the one used for a line chart, but requires less datasets parameters.

  1. Press this link to display a static page showing a bar chart (the same showed at the bottom of this page).
    To understand how a bar chart is implemented, display the source of that page.
    •Please note the following javascript statement:
    var myLine= new Chart(document .getElementById("canvas") .getContext("2d")) .Bar(chartData);
    The piece establishing the type of chart is the Bar qualifier.
  2. CGI program sales generates a bar chart from three database file members.
  3. CGI program yrdata generates a bar chart from your manual input.

Sample bar chart

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