SPLECELL change log 2022-11-18 - Fixed a bug in procedure SndPgmMsgA(); it was not sending out pgm messages, problems with *ESCAPE . 2022-07-19 - Fixed pgm SPLECELL. It was not correctly interfacing the input parameter list of HSSFCGI programs XLSGEN and XLSXGEN. 2021-09-09 - Command SPLECELL now features a new parameter, PRTF, the qualified file name of a printer file documenting the layout of the spooled file page body rows. It could now be a user-created printer file when the name of the printer file is not available from the DSPFD of the spooled file name. See the source of the example program SAMPLEC1 in SPLECELL/QCLSRC. 2021-08-11 - Small improvements to SAMPLExx CL programs. 2021-06-29 - Fixed the parameter list used by pgm SPLECELL to call pgms XLSGEN & XLSXGEN . 2021-05-26 - Fixed problem in pgm SPLECELL when no RCDFMT available for the spooled file. 2021-03-04 - In the previous SPLECELL releases, columns containg numeric data used to automatically generate Excel numeric cells. That was not correct. For instance a customer code using numeric characters should not be converted to a numeric cell. The above behavior was corrected. Now all data generate by default Excel text cells, unless you specify in parameter NUMCOL the sequence numbers of the columns containing numeric data that you want be transformed to Excel numeric cells. Parameter NUMCOL is not needed when you specify in parameter RCDFMT the name of a printer file record format because in that case numeric columns are automatically detected. 2020-04-07 - SPLECELL command new parameter INCALLROWS (include also non-matching rows) allows to include in the spreasheet also page body rows not matching the field pattern specified by parameter RCDFMT or by parameter BLKCOLS. These non-matching rows are rendered as spreadsheet single cell rows. That single cell spans all columns in the spreadsheet row. 2020-02-01 - Fixed pgm RTVBLKCOLS: if no fields defined for the PRTF record format, it now sends its own escape message. 2019-12-31 - Command SPLECELL was added keyword SKPBLKROWS (Skip spreadsheet rows containing only blank cells). - When SPLECELL keyword RCDFMT specified, automated search of print rows data fields is now supporting (besides text fields and unedited numeric fields) also edited numeric fields, date, time and timestamp fields. 2019-12-14 - Fixed CLLE pgm CRTESRVPGM. 2019-12-07 - First release.