POP3READ CHANGE LOG 2018-12-21 - Some changes to procedures Pop3Login() and Pop3Rtvmsg() in pgm POP3RSSL (Read POP3 msgs under SSL). 2015-08-04 - PDF "POP3READ Manual" made available. 2017-07-01 - In pgm COMPILE added overrides to force compile vs POP3READ files. 2015-03-31 - In pgm POP3READ fixed command "CRTDTAARA QTEMP/POP3RSSL ...". 2013-11-24 - User data files are now moved to a separate library, POP3READTA. 2013-11-23 - Fixed pgm POP3READ for receiving messages larger than 16 MB. 2013-10-10 - Implemented feature for receiving e-mail messages also from SSL-POP3 servers. 2011-12-15 - Variable POP3SOCK must be 10 i 0 (not 10u 0). 2011-05-24 - Changed the way the variable "index" (e-mail message number) is edited when calling subprocedure TCPsendLi ne. 2010-11-08 - In subproc Pop3Login, when LIST requested, the POP3 server could sent an unlimited number of blank replies .