top *** SECTION "TOP" Content-type: text/html Expires: 0 X-XSS-Protection: 1; HTTP server functionality for CGIs was just tested warn *** SECTION "WARN" end *** SECTION "END"
HTTP server functionality for CGIs was just tested on this system
your first name is /%FIRSTNAME%/
your last name is /%LASTNAME%/
this OS/400 release is /%OSRLS%/

Warning: system value QCCSID is set to 65535. This will inhibit characters translation in your CGI's and may result in displaying wrong characters to the browsers.
Change this system value (e.g. 37 for U.S. English). IPL not required, "usually" no impact to production.

Display the dynamic HTML used by this CGI
Display the RPG source of this CGI