PLCHECKUP CHANGE LOG 2014-08-13 - The utility did undergo a major revision: -- Some small bugs got fixed. -- Triggers are now documented in the repository -- Help text added to all screens. -- A new page was added to the WEB documentation, providing a large example of using the utility. 2013-05-08 - Fixed some bugs in the process creating a library repository (pgm PLCHECKUP). 2009-12-14 - Some logical files in library PLCHECKUP were based by mistake on physical files of library PREGEN instaead of PLCHECKUP. 2009-11-10 - Exit point RTVPGMMODS added to let the user specify source members not found for program modules. See page . 2009-11-09 - Command PLCHECKUP was having problems in creating a repository for applications with a large (over 900) number of modules and programs. This was solved with new versions of programs GENCRTMODS and GENCRTPGMS. 2009-10-24 - First release