EZ4PARSE CHANGE LOG 2019-10-31 - A new command, REXMLPARSE, allows to easily repeat the parsing of XML files already successfully parsed. 2019-10-29 - A new parameter of command RNMXMLFLDS - XMLARC(*YES) - allows to perform XML fields renaming of a given XML stream file in the same way as the last time it was done. 2018-07-08 - Fixed program RNMXMLFLDS. 2018-06-27 - Some fixes to QRPGLESRC source members RNMXMLFLDS, CRTTODBF, XMLPARSE, and XXXMLFLDS . 2018-03-09 - Packaging error. Members were missing from files DCMDSRC, DPNLSRC, DRPGLESRC. 2016-12-11 - UTF-8 (CCSID 1208) now supported for XML stream files to be parsed. 2016-09-28 - In pgm RNMXMLFLDS fixed the case for XML tags like . 2016-09-28 - Fixed compile problem due to misplaced F-specs in pgms RNMXMLFLDS and CRTTODBF. 2016-09-27 - Fixed the creation of the QTEMP/parse program when the rcdfmt of target db file name is the same as the db file name. 2016-09-22 - Added commands RNMXMLFLDS, CRTTODBF and ... SUPERPARSE. 2016-08-09 - Command XMLPARSE added parameters FROMRCD and TORCD. 2016-08-07 - First release.