
HTML basics - Part 1
BR, HR, Comments

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Basic tags

BR - Forced line break

Appearance: <BR>
Attributes: none

HR - Horizontal rule

Appearance: <HR>
Attributes: ALIGN=left|right|center, NOSHADE, SIZE=n, WIDTH=n|p%

The Horizontal Rule tag produces a straight line across the screen. You can specify the thickness of the HR using the SIZE attribute, which is specified in pixels. The WIDTH attribute specifies in number of pixels or as a percentage, the width of the HR.


Appearance: <!--comment-->
Attributes: None

A comment declaration starts with <!, followed by zero or more comments, followed by >. A comment starts and ends with "--", and does not contain any occurrence of "--". This means that the following are all legal comments:

  1. <!-- Hello -->
  2. <!-- Hello -- -- Hello-->
  3. <!---->
  4. <!------ Hello -->
  5. <!>

A <!--> is simply a Comment tag. You can put comments anywhere. Do not use HTML tags within a comment.

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