
HTML basics - Part 1 Lab

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Lab on Html Basics Part 1

In our labs we shall build some pages of our e-commerce demo
Centaur books Demo
In this lab, you should build the part Disclaimer of Centaur first page, which looks as shown here.

First setup some library of yours (e.g. mycgilib) in the following way:
  1. crtlib mycgilib aut(*change)
  2. enter the following command to setup your library with all the source file and the environment you need to develop and to run CGI:
    cgidev2/setcgilib srclib(mycgilib) prdlib(*srclib)
    Follow the instructions to update your favorite HTTP instance, then re-start it.
Operate as follow:
  1. Signon as QPGMR
  2. strpdm on source file mysrclib/htmlsrc
  3. press F6 to add member lab11a, source type html
  4. press F13 and set Uppercase input only to N
  5. ... enter your html text ... and save it
  6. to test it, in the command line (location line) of your internet browser enter

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